Mini-blog: A Day in Denver

I’m spending a long weekend with my sister-in-law in Colorado Springs, which might sound more exotic than it is. Normally, people go to Colorado Springs to go see the amazing Garden of the Gods or ride the cog rail up to Pike’s Peak. There’s the Air Force Academy and the Olympic Training Center too. The upside of having a sister far away is that you get to visit that cool place a few times, and I’ve been able to do all of the above in the past—Colorado Springs has lots to offer. This time around, though, I’m just here to hang out with Julie. And Julie is a working mom with a couple of young kids, so life is busy! While she’s been working, I’ve been running some errands—getting boots for her daughter, dress shoes for her son for the Christmas concert, etc. Generally, when I travel somewhere, I find it sort of depressing when I see that I could go to all the same stores and restaurants that I could visit at home. However, when you are running errands, this simplifies things...