At Your Service

When Allison told people she and I were going to Guatemala for spring break, almost everyone she talked to made the assumption that we were going as part of a mission trip. At first it made her laugh, because she’d never suggested that to be the case. We were looking forward to a fun and adventurous vacation that was decidedly not a service project! When it kept happening, though, she started to think more deeply about it. She didn’t tell me about it until we were on our way to Chicago, and when she did, she told me about her surprise that no one seemed to think you might just go there for vacation. Guatemala has old ruins, cities of thriving culture, vibrant cloudforests, beautiful lakes, and volcanoes, to name a few attractions. Beyond that, we’ve been looking forward to seeing our former exchange student Natalia, as well as her mother and sister who visited us at the end of Natalia’s time with us. Why wouldn’t we want to vacation here?! After a taxi ride from the Guatemala Cit...